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Tuesday, 12 January 2016


Lauréats du concours de haikus Taol Kurun Français, adultes 
La deuxième place

Le Prix Jocelyne-Villeneuve Haiku Canada mai 2016 
2 e Mention honorable ex æquo – choix de J. Belleau

KUD Apokalipsa Haiku Contest 2015 Pohvaljeni haiku

2016 Golden Haiku Contest Runners Up

ROMANIAN KUKAI nioembrie 2016 Locul I

ROMANIAN KUKAI octombrie 2016 Locul III

ROMANIAN KUKAI mai 2016 Locul IV

Premiul special ROMANIAN KUKAI octombrie 2015

Premiul special ROMANIAN KUKAI octombrie 2015

The 20th Kusamakura International Haiku Competition, Third prize (Nyuusen)

2014 Golden Triangle Haiku Contest, Embassy of Japan, Washington, DC, Runner-up

14th Indian Kukai, Theme: Coffee, November 2015, Fifth Place

11th Indian Kukai, Theme: Thunder, May 2015, Fifth Place

European Quarterly Kukai, X Edition, Summer 2015 WEATHER, Second Place

The Shiki Monthly Kukai - September 2015, Kigo Theme: WINDSTORM, Second Place

Vancouver Cherry Blossom Festival - 2015 International Sakura Awards Winning Haiku (II)

International Matsuo Bashō Award, III Edition, 2015, Honorable Mention – Section B, Foreign Language Haiku

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"Build of your imaginings a bower in the wilderness ere you build a house within the city walls." ("Duraţi-vă din visuri un refugiu undeva, în deşert, înainte de a vă înălţa o casă între zidurile cetăţii.") Kahlil Gibran