Segundo Concurso de Tankas Función Lenguaje, España, 2012, Finalista
The 7th Nihon Kajin Club International Tanka Festival, Japan, 2012,
Certificate of Merit by Kadokawa Gakugei Shuppan Publishing Co. Ltd.
The Saigyo Awards for Tanka, USA, 2009, Honorable Mention
The 6th Nihon Kajin Club International Tanka Festival, Japan, 2009, 2nd Honorable Mention
Tanka Splendor Contest, USA, 2009, Tanka Splendor Award, One Poem Winner
Tanka Splendor Contest, USA, 2008,
Tanka Splendor Awards, 13 votes
Tanka Splendor Awards, 13 votes
I Premio de Tanka Grau Miró, España, 2008,
Segundo Premio Castellano
Nihon Kajin Club (The Japan Tanka Poets’ Society)
The 4th International Tanka Competition 2003, Bangkok, Thailand
Nihon Kajin Club (The Japan Tanka Poets’ Society)
The 5th International Tanka Competition 2006, Honolulu, USA
The First Prize
Nihon Kajin Club (The Japan Tanka Poets’ Society)
The 5th International Tanka Competition 2006, Honolulu, USA
Excellent Entry